Thursday, January 29, 2009

Work Day #2 Progress

By the end of work day #2 we had 10 courses laid in the front, 9 in the back, and 11 on the right side where Manuel was working. You don't want to see the stack of blocks (about 6 high that he had set up for a makeshift scaffold). We are trying to rebuild our safety record and are back up to 1 day now.
This photo shows Senor Paulino Flores the gentleman (and we mean that literally) for whom we will build a house, working with Pastor Mejia.
Our goal for today (Thursday) is to finish the Sunday School rooms and move on to Senor Flores' house.


  1. Thanks for adding pics. I noticed Satterfield was not scared to pull out the overalls. He's representin' Hee Haw strong in Honduras.

    And did Joel raid Loomis' closet last weekend? That's a whole lot of orange t-shirt -- gotta love it.

    We got lots of comments at Church last night about the Blog - mucho personas are keeping track - keep the updates and pics coming.

    Guardia Le Fe!

  2. Hey Guys -

    Please don't post any more pictures of how much work is done, Baldwin is getting antsy. If he sees another line of 10 courses we won't be able to keep him from getting on the plane immediately!

  3. Hey Team 1 -- saw the pics of Santa Marta - since you guys are making so much headway, how about scooting back over and putting a coat of paint on the Sanctuary??

    More Pics Please!!

  4. Great job keeping the children off the worksite fellas! First Tom, now this?!
    Local OSHA enforcement must be having a field day with you guys there....

  5. Team 1,
    Brother Baldwin is considering cancelling his trip due to a "lack of remaining work". PLEASE slow down....
    Respectfully submitted,
    "Concerned Team 2 member"

  6. I certainly hope Tom uses a fresh,clean towel after every shower given his open wound.

  7. The right side looks lower than the left side. Are y'all using line block?!

  8. "TL" Dennis,
    Please check your email if possible and respond accordingly.
    "TL" Jeremy

  9. Dr. Rusher,
    Has Tom stopped getting injured so you can actually lay some blockos on your trip like you had anticipated?
    Team 2
