Thursday, February 5, 2009

Guess Who's Wearing the Shorts...

Sorry Hee Haw, we found someone on Team 2 that has taken your workplace fashion sense to a new level. Yes, plaid shorts were broken out on the work site, so can you guess who? I know these look like a pair of Childrey's, but remember he was on Team 1.

The first person to guess correctly wins a subscription to Honduran GQ magazine


  1. I recognize those shorts as the "what was I thinking even though they were a good deal at Kohl's" shorts. Wiley is not planning on bringing them back to Cary.

    That must be the "scaffolding slip up" injury, too?

  2. I'm guessing Yerxa. Please send the bi-lingual edition of the magazine.

  3. Kudos on making a fashion statement. The question sexy are you up there on the catwalk?

  4. I think i saw those shorts go into Ben's suitcase. From the sale rack?
