Thursday, February 5, 2009

Blown Away...

On our first night and day on the worksite, we were welcomed with 40 mph gusting winds. It kept it us from getting too hot, but standing on the scaffolding was an adventure today. Actually standing anywhere was an adventure with the sand and dust flying around.

But the wind was not what blew us away today, it was our first experience in El Carrizo. The Greek word for wind, pneumo, also means spirit, and the spirit is what blew us away. Here are some examples.

At the end of the day, Ed was sitting on the back of the truck getting ready to take his boots off. The full day of laying block had taken its toll, so as Ed stuggled to take his boots off, the little boy who was sitting beside him hopped off of the truck, loosened and removed his boots, then hopped back up on the truck beside him, and patted Ed on the leg. Ed was full of the spirit.

A little after lunch today I saw the spirit in Greg Clary. As we passed on the work site, I looked at Greg and had a full "dirt beard," but shining out of the dirt were eyes filled with the spirit, and a smile to match.

After we finished our work today, all the gringos participated in a soccer game. Despite Team 1 assuring us there was no place to play soccer in El Carrizo, we found a campo in between the Church and the house we are building -- a full size soccer pitch with goals. All of Team 2 was running around with the kids, and even the Pastor and his wife played. The spirit was in all of us on the campo this afternoon.

So as we get ready to turn in, the forecast calls for another windy day tomorrow. And we can't wait to be blown away with the spirit once again.


  1. I was glad to hear from Wiley that no one was "pancaked" today! Sounds like a great day.


  2. Glad to hear you had a great day, but we knew that would be the case!

    We are going to need photo evidence of the work site too, not just the soccer field. Don't make me call Gerrardo. :)

  3. Great work already! I sent an extra jump rope with Jeremiah. He's been practicing all year, so get him to show you some of his new tricks!

    We prayed for you guys tonight in Bible Study that your eyes would be open to all God has in store for you.


  4. Bobo said,
    I look good in the front seat but I would look better there. So glad to hear Tucker and Greg had a good day. I am not worried about the vterans,they have fun all the time. I am telling everyone that comes in my store I am supposed to be in Honduras. I think the lady yesterday wanted me to go! Ha Ha..
    Love yall and I am praying for you..
    The masked man!

  5. Hello team 1. Keish feels he should be with you all. He is transitioning back to real life. (ie..where is my phone?) We are praying for you all and send our support. I knew you would find the soccer field! Keith took a note from Kelly in Spanish to Daisy and Daisy wrote back a letter that brought us to tears. Please go see her and tell her Kelly loved her letter. Love,

    Mary Jane

  6. That shoe parable makes for some
    good sermonizing! Good work, friends.

    Jennifer Helms Jarrell
