Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Trip of a Mission

As the pilot announced our final approach into the airport in Tegucigalpa, we dropped into the thick low clouds covering the region. We could see nothing. We were totally in the hands of God and his hopefully incredibly talented hand picked pilot. We learned that there are only five or six pilots qualified to land a jet of this size into this airport, which is nestled into a valley surrounded by mountains on all four sides. It has one of the shortest runways in the world. Overcast. Windy. Short runway. Mountains. We could see nothing. Yet we were not afraid. We knew we were all where God wanted us to be doing what God wanted us to do.

Suddenly we dropped below the clouds and the ground loomed up at us. We were so close to the ground we could not only identify the cars on the street below us, we could tell what the drivers of the cars were wearing! As the wheels touched the runway and the brakes squealed and the engines reversed, we slowed to the point we knew we were safe. Our faith did not stop us from clapping wildly with relief! As we left the plane, we all thanked our pilot for a safe trip. Ed asked him if it was as good a ride for him as it was for us. He just smiled, and said, "Even better. I don't get to do this every day."

What a great metaphor for our trip. We can't see where our trip will land us. We have faith that the Great Pilot knows our destination and will see to completion of our trip. We don't get to do this every day, but we are going to enjoy every second we are here. To God be the glory!


  1. Welcome to your casa de la misiĆ³n.

  2. So glad to know you are there safely.

  3. Bobo said,
    Yall go get them and have fun. You should have welcomed the pilot to his plane. Oh,I am sorry I didn't get to see Tucker's face on the ride to Choloteca. Can you say curves in the road. Stay safe. Love you guys.

  4. Great to hear that you are there OK! Hope your work week gets off to a great start!

  5. Glad to hear y'all made it safely. Have a wonderful week! I know you will love the people of El Carrizo as much as we did! Stay healthy and safe and keep us updated.
    Dios te bendiga
    ~Cristina aka Kristen

  6. Ditto! Glad you are there safe. Sounds like you made a memory with your landing in Tegucigalpa! I trust you maintained Team 1’s Tuesday afternoon thru Saturday Safety record. I am not certain Dr. Juan left any of the tools he purchased from the local Choluteca farmacia! However, I do think the brothers Brown left a roll of duck tape…

  7. I've got a bologna and cheese sandwich for lunch here. Does anybody have some Tom?

  8. D-U-C-T Tape....please hold the Georgia comments.

  9. So glad to hear the adventure and journey is off to an exciting ( and safe) start! We miss you and are proud of your efforts and your faith. Enjoy the BLUE SKY!

    Mom Tucker :)

  10. Happy you are there safely! Know I am praying for you every day!!!

  11. I, too, would have liked to have seen the rookies' faces on the ride to Choluteca. Dr. Juan made the ultimate rookie mistake (no, he did not forget to put the plunger back) when he chose the front passenger seat for the ride down, a mistake he did not repeat on the return trip. However, I would rather be there to see their first tears, for they are the tears of the heart of God. May God bless you all in your work. Don't try to jump over any cinderblock walls, however, because while God is with you, Dr. Juan is not!

  12. YEA! Bien!! You're there safely and on a special mission to the people of Honduras. . .many blessings to you all!

