Thursday, February 5, 2009

Yes, Boys and Girls, Team 2 actually works...

The "show horses" put on a show at the work site today. Despite heavy winds (see Blown Away post below), we made impressive progress on the house. We will put on the finishing touches tomorrow (the Wiley World concrete show), then move on to finish the Sunday School rooms. Photographic evidence is included...


  1. Great job guys. If you finish early you can help dig the well. I think I see Jose Walter in the photo. He is a strong worker, a great Christian hermano, and a singer on the job site.

  2. I couldn't find Jeremy in any of the work site pictures. I guess you would need a really wide angle lens to be able to see the hammock underneath the shade tree next to the house.

  3. I was thinking I actually saw Jeremy in the far corner working.. I know it won't happen the rest of the week when the soccer ministry gets into full swing.
    Sounds like everything is going well! Miss you all.


  4. Ha!! I blew up the picture and realized it was John Baldwin.. Guess soccer is already in full swing or the hammock has already been erected!


  5. When you expand the photo you'll notice a couple of bicycles propped up against the house. I imagine we'll see photos of ramps built over the 30 ft deep well hole and some BMX tricks from Diamond J and Carlitos next.

  6. Looks like "PaPa" is in the house. Papa has Ed working. That's an unusual site. Enjoy your trip for it is an experience of a lifetime. God will bless you for your efforts
