Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day Three (2nd work day)

Another day of work, another five courses of block. Tom was back on the job after his injury and only whimpered once or twice. We solved a real quandary today. Without Bob here, we just haven't had the heart to play the "Hola!" game. However, today at lunch, Kristen pulled out the Bob masks and put one on one of the kids while we were resting in the church. The Honduran children and adults started laughing uncontrollably. All the children wanted one. We even got masks on the Pastor Mejia and his wife, Claudia. They posed for a group picture as we all were laughing hysterically. Bob, you were the highlight of the day although we all expect to have nightmares from the image of a dozen Bobs running around the church. You can share in the fun (or the nightmare) by checking out the picture on the blogsite.

We also stopped by Altos de Santa Martha today. We only saw Alexis and Francisca, who proudly showed us their casa nueva; and little Mario. Alexis and Fransisca showed us their photo album which was filled with wedding pictures and pictures of last year's teams and their families; a poignant reminder of the lasting friendships we make in such a short time with these beautiful people. We plan to go back on Sunday after we worship in El Carrizo.

Susan Kimball was the first to correctly identify Tom as the injured victim in yesterday's game on the blog. Susan wanted to know where she could pick up her prize. We regret to inform Susan, that first prize is a dinner with Bob. We are assuming she will decline the prize. Anyone wish to volunteer to accept it?

As we were leaving El Carrizo, Tom spotted a couple of local Honduran chicks on the side of the road, and became enthralled by them. We finally got him refocused --- it must have been the painkillers.

Tomorrow we will post pictures of the local soccer venues for Team Two. Jeremy, Oie, and Carlitos finally woke up and responded but the rest of team remains silent and perhaps comatose. I guess they are resting up for all the work we have decided to leave for them. So, tomorrow we are headed for the beach after scouting soccer fields. We thought we would show you where you could have played soccer if you didn't have so much work to do.

Finally, you will note on the blog a picture of the building at the end of the day yesterday with a hole in the middle of the building. That was the section that would have been done by Bob and Glenn. We all worked together to fill it in but you guys are really missed. Until tomorrow, rest in God's peace.

In His Name,

Team One


  1. Outstanding! The only issue I see is that our mission was for everyone to see the face of JESUS in us. I'd say the mission was off a degree or three.

    Great news about Deysi! Any word about Maria (Peluche)?

  2. This photo is quite disturbing in that everytime we look at our respective husbands, instead of seeing their faces we keep see "BobO faces".

  3. You only wish they looked as good as Bobo. This is a work of human art!!!

  4. "I see dead people"

  5. How many limps will it cost for all the professional therapy these children will require as adults?
