Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day Two

Dear Spouses, Significant Others, and Bob and Team Two;

First day on the job. Weather report - Very hot and dusty. Weather forecast for tomorrow - Very hot and dusty. We got off to a great start. The pastor blessed the cornerstone, and the women began to haul water from the well down the street in five gallon buckets, just like in the Bible. We got five courses of block laid and two of the three doors set. This was accomplished even though we had one of our number go down with an injury. God had prepared of course because Dr. Rusher was on hand to perform minor, primitive surgery, but it took him, the victim and Manuel out of action as they had to search for the proper medical supplies, return to the house in Choluteca, stabilize the patient, and perform the surgery (9 stitches). All is well and the patient is resting comfortably --- which leads us to today's contest on the blog. Yesterday's contest was "Where's Bob-o?" as you were asked to find Bob in the pictures posted on the blog. However, only Bob-o played. Today's contest is "Guess the accident victim!" A picture of the victim's bandaged and partially shaven leg (Jeremy, don't get excited) has been posted on the blog site. The winner will be the first to identify the victim. Here's a hint: he cried like a baby when he got the stitches and Dr. Rusher refused to give him a sucker!As for Team Two - thanks guys for all of the wonderful responses of support to the email reports and blog posting. We returned from our hard work, rushed to the computer and found one email response from Mary Jane and one blog comment from Susan Kimball. We were overwhelmed and moved to tears by your outpouring of support! If you keep this up we will have to shut down the blog because the server will not be able to handle the traffic!.

In His Name,
Team One


  1. Hey there Steve, Joel and others.
    So glad you made it safely and that you are completely opening yourselves up to this wonderful opportunity that God put in your path.
    We are all praying for you here in Maryland...so NO STITCHES for you, Joel Brown! You better keep him safe Steve!
    God Bless and keep you safe.

  2. What an exciting first day.. I laughed out loud at the description of the day's events. My guess is Tom.. cried like a baby gave it away! :)

    Have a great day tomorrow! They are blessed to have you all there!
    Dawn P.
