Monday, January 26, 2009

When you give...

I's 3:30 AM on Day 1 and we will be at the airport in less than an hour. Here is our reminder of why we are going to serve. We will post this on the wall:

When you give
When you serve
When you love
You do it unto me


  1. Day 1 photos:

  2. Dear Team Two, Glen and Bob;

    We made it here safe and sound. New runway seems longer and much smoother, although mountains are just as high and houses just as close when landing. Steve, Elaine, Gerardo, and Manuel met us at the airport and took us to the house in Tegucigalpa, where we had orientation. Safe trip to Choluteca. Rosa had chicken and rice waiting for us. We haven't found the green hot sauce yet, JB, but we will have you some here when you get here. We met Pastor Antonio Mejia (Pastor Mejia) of Iglesia Bautista Vida Nueve in El Carrizo at the house and he had dinner with us --- a great guy. We learned tonight that the water for the mortar will be supplied by the women who will carry it on their heads from the well down the street (just like in the Bible).

    Strangely enough, Kimball sandbagged us. Not only is he here but we keep running into him everywhere. If you don't believe us, check the blog site. We are starting bright and early tomorrow morning. Leaving the house at 7:30 a.m.

  3. Please give my best to Steve, Manuel and Gerardo. I would love to hear an update from Gerardo on the seed bank. I was with the last team in 2008.

    Dolly Pierce
