Monday, January 26, 2009

Where's Bob-O?

Playing the Hola game with Col. Sanders ...

By the pool ...

Eating rice and chicken with Manuel...


  1. Hola Team 1: Bob could not wait until I got up this morning to show me the blog. Believe me, he is there in mind and spirit--I don't know how he will get anything done this week. Thanks for remembering him with the Bob-O mask! You are the best. Have a great week. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Bob is so lucky to have friends like you. Susan

  2. So glad that all is well in Honduras. We already miss you. It is kinda quiet at the Ellis household. Dennis, did you mean to hide the checkbook and all the credit cards?!! Ha! Love you! Diane

  3. About the injured victim--I am not sure who it is, but I can definitely tell who it is NOT. It is not Dennis or Kristen.

  4. I don't know which is more disturbing; a photo of Bob-O in present day, or a photo of him circa 1981!
