Monday, February 2, 2009

Blog logistics

Team Two,
I recommend that you bring at least 2 laptops. We had 2 and kept them both busy. You only have a few hours each night (11 PM to 1 AM worked best for me) to upload pictures, send and check e-mail and post to the blog. The introductory print cartridges ran out and we are on the 2nd print cartridge. It takes 1-2 minutes for each print, so you may want to print some each night and then distribute them at the end of the week.

Also, there is a power strip at the casa with the video equipment. You will want to use that in the kitchen (IT central) for the laptops, printer, phone charger, and fans.

We expect blog updates daily if not more often.


  1. I can't figure out how to blog on the main sight so I have to add mine here at 2:00 AM EST

    Preparing for Honduras

    As a sophomore, I figured there is no need to pack to early for the trip to Honduras. I know what I will need and I know not to make the rookie mistake of thinking all my bags will be overweight or I can’t take any more goodies in my bags. This year I was confident that I could get all those tennis balls, Bibles, beanie babies, T-shirts, mini-Sassers, etc. in to a military duffel, then still have room for a pound of fig newtons in the bag with the clothes I plan to wear.

    However, tonight as the stress and anxiousness of getting down to Honduras set in, I was determined not to go to bed without at least one bag packed. I decided to tackle the “goodie bag”. There was a whole lot of stuff collected by our church for the Honduran people. As I packed, pushed, unpacked, rearranged, and finally wrestled with that olive drab duffel bag I never got frustrated. The thing that keep me calm and composed were the smiles on the children’s faces I envisioned. As I pushed bag after bag of beanie babies and squeezed all the air out of the stuffed animals, I could see Ed and Greg surrounded by Honduran children waiting patiently for the toys. I really look forward to them giving away that full sized stuffed basketball though. Unfortunately, the gallon of perspiration that it took during the wrestling match might cause the bag to be overweight by 8.35 lbs. Luckily, it has a day to dry out.

    As I looked over the list of things I have to take on the trip, I realized that I still had not purchased any work gloves. My stress level spiked. I knew my work calendar is full tomorrow, and panic began to creep in as to how I was going to get it all done. Then a rush of peace overcame me. My preparation “Godwink”. I realized that my first afternoon meeting was off of Capital Blvd within a few blocks of Harbor Freight Tools. Isn’t it awesome how a meeting that was scheduled a few weeks ago, can give me the peace of mind to know I can purchase a set of gloves and not loose any precious time. Our God finds a way to take care of even us procrastinators.

    Team One, thanks for paving the way and for laying a strong foundation. Now it is time for the “Men of Steel” a.k.a. the “Roof Raisers” to pick up where you left off. Travel safely.

  2. At last! A post from Team Two with substance. There is hope for the blog yet! My vision of Wiley "pancaking" beanie babies into his bag was my first big laugh of the day. Thanks, my brother, Steve.
