Monday, February 2, 2009

Return to Tegucigalpa

Dear Families, Team Two, and Bob,

Today was the day we returned to Tegucigalpa. We got up, packed, and headed out to Roca de Salvacion. There we saw Victor, Nixon, Sandy, Suri, and the pastor. The big news was that Nixon is getting a new house built by NCBM in May. The church has still not been completed, and has developed several cracks as it has settled. After a brief visit, we paused just over the bridge and said of prayer of thanks for successful completion of our mission, and for safe travel. Gerardo delivered us safe to the house, and Manuel got all of our luggage here. After goodbyes were said, we headed out to the mall for lunch and then to the Valley of the Angels for some gawking and shopping. Two more machettes were purchased by we won't say who, but my job of keeping Bryan safe just got a lot easier.

After a beautiful, cool afternoon (who would have thought 83 would be cool) of fun and relaxation we returned for a feast at El Patio. There was no mariachi band tonight but a very tan Bob was spotted smooching on a lovely waitress, and playing the "Hola!" game with the pirate in the parking lot. We then proceeded up the side of the mountain so the rookies could see the lights of Tegucigalpa. Word was quickly spreading that the crazy, armed gringos from Choluteca had bought even more weapons and had taken a position on the heights overlooking the city. The whole city trembles tonight; but little do they know our intentions are simply to rest, relax, and leave peacefully tomorrow.

We have one request for our friends and families back home. Please make sure the heat gets turned up in Raleigh before we get there. None of this cold wet or frozen stuff. Our systems are not prepared to withstand the shock.

Our job done, we are heading home with thankful hearts. Team Two is moving into the tough to sleep stage as anticipation builds. We have left you a tough act to follow, but we serve a mighty God who is very much with you. Remember Jesus walks the dusty, hot paths of El Carrizo every day. Offer your work and he will multiply it like loaves and fishes. Offer your hearts and the Holy Spirit will fill it with laughter, joy, sweat and tears. If we don't all get to see each other before you guys leave, Godspeed our brothers....this corner of the Kingdom is eagerly awaiting your arrival and rejoices that our brother Glenn is coming!

Alive and well in our Lord's hands,

Team One

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